Items for Sale or Swap

As we prepare our beautiful house for sale and our move, we find ourselves with a bunch of stuff that we are going to sell on eBay, and we figured it was easier to tell y’all about and see if there was any local interest on the hill.
We will update this page as new items become available and old ones find new homes.
All the prices are best-offer.
Sedona Food Dehydrator
We have dehydrated everything dehydratable in this glorious machine.
Kitchen Aid Mixer
If you’ve had Corinna’s croissants or pastry, there’s a decent chance it came from this mixer.
Electronic Drumset
Great for kids' first drumset that won’t drive you nuts - the sound is through headphones
Thule 3-Bike Car Bike Transport Rack
Strong and excellent
Bike Box Allen bicycle transport
This is a big box for transporting your bicycle on an airplane.
HP multifunction printer
Kitchen stuff:
- kitchen center island table (wood top, stainless shelves)
- dry food storage containers (four)
- GE electric range/oven
- WHirlpool Refrigerator/Freezer
- snowshoes (two pairs)
- air filters/purifiers